Problem Solving in the Waterproofing Industry
With the truth in the statistics it is clearer than ever that Home Renovators and Property Owners face unfortunate odds when it comes to waterproofing. The answer is in Education. Waterproofing has been around a long time, liquified heated tar was used in ancient times to waterproof objects and materials and even today tar and oil based waterproofing is still in use. But the construction has changed, we now rely on thin walled products, fibre cement, plaster and timber frame construction. The mass of a building will no longer provide security against the ingress of water. This is probably the reason why more than ever before we see the rise in water problems. Architecture has opened up many possibilities in design for balcony construction over living spaces, light wells, roof top decks. But these come with strict requirements, sadly the building industry can be rife with poor adherence to the standar...